2 Types Of Standard Credit Cards You Should Know About
There has been a significant rise in the number of credit card companies over the last couple of decades. with so many options available, it could become difficult to make a choice when deciding which credit card is ideal for you. However, ensure that you take look at all credit cards available in the market and pick one after considering all the perks and benefits on offer.
Credit cards were initially simple and served the single purpose of providing you with credit.
Balance transfer credit cards
Balance transfer cards are very common and allow individuals to transfer their high-interest balance to a card that has a low interest rate. A balance transfer credit card allows users to pay the outstanding amount within a specific period of time. If the user can pay the entire amount, no interest will be charged on the amount. However, if the user is unable to repay the dues, an interest will be applicable after the end of the promotional period. The card has a zero percent introductory rate which lasts for a specific period, and after the end of the period, the card will charge the same to any other credit card. The terms offered by different credit card companies vary, and it is important to thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of repayment before applying for a balance transfer credit card.
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Low-interest credit cards
Another variant is the low-interest credit card that offers a low introductory interest rate for a specific period and then moves to a higher rate at the end of this period. Some cards also come with a single low APR that is fixed for the entire duration. These cards are highly preferred by customers because they allow the repayment of outstanding balance at a low interest rate. The card has a low APR and a long tenure, thus making it easier for customers to pay the amount. If you are planning to make a purchase and know that you will be unable to pay the amount in the near future, you can opt for a low-interest credit card because you will have more time to pay off the balance.
Choose a card that fits your requirements but ensure that you have read the terms and conditions properly and are aware of the interest rate and the fees applicable to the same. Consider your requirements and weigh your options before you apply for a standard credit card.
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