Guide On Rehabilitation For Smokers
Cigarettes contain something like 600 chemicals and the smoke contains an unbelievable 7,000 chemicals of which, about 69, are carcinogenic and others poisonous. As far as veining the smoker of the cigarette the villain is Nicotine. It is Nicotine that drags one to smoking. It reaches the brain in a matter of seconds and enslaves the brain so to say. It increases the energy level and makes one feel very active and enthusiastic.
A knowledge of the ill health effects of smoking cigarettes is found wanting as a motivator for quitting. Repeated nudging by family members, health professionals, close friend and associates, especially those who have succeeded in quit smoking is what propels the smoker to resolve to give up the cigarette. The sudden demise of an individual who is strongly attached to the smoker due to reasons directly attributed to his smoking or the diagnosis of cancer or stroke attributed to smoking to such a person often proves a strong motive.
All experts in the field are unanimous that one who desires to quit smoking designates a date, however distant it may be, by which they want to be absolutely free of smoking. Counseling consists of 5As, ask about tobacco use, and assess willingness to quit, assist with treatment and follow up with emphasizing the importance of giving up the habit. In recalcitrant cases motivation by emphasizing on 5Rs risks continuing the habit, rewards of leaving, restarting at every relapse and repeating the advice frequently. Any relevant information about the individual can also be used to emphasize the ill Health effects of smoking cigarettes and the need to give up the habit. The importance of frequent repetition cannot be overemphasized.